Today I will play the role of the devil´s advocate. I will defend the acts of Idi Amin while president of Uganda between 1971 and 1979.
Amin was accused of a lot of violations against Human Rights, namely the kidnapping, the torture and the murder of 300.000 people. Although this may seem incriminatory, Idi Amin only did those things for the best interests of his country and for its people. He was a man of good and always fought for the best for his people and they knew it. He tried to improve his country, making new schools, new hospitals and new houses, making his country better, stronger and free and to do all these things he was forced to “strip those people out of the scene”. Those who were against Uganda have to get out of the way of those who want the growth of Uganda and the best for Uganda. Amin was not a bad man; he was what recent countries without good conditions need to get better: a man with a strong fist.
Besides all this, he knew exactly what those poor people suffer since he has had an awful childhood and so, he could identify himself with the people and solve their problems. Another thing in his side is that he was just punishing the traitors; and betray your own country is a thing that it is still punish severally by law with life imprisonment or even with death penalty in develop countries too (it is called treason and it is the capital crime), like Australia, Canada, France, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Russia, Switzerland, United Kingdom and USA.
As you can see and to conclude, all the bad things that are said against Idi Amin is perspectives of who wasn’t there to see how the things real were or just didn’t want to see. A lot of people who were close to him have nothing but good things to say about Amin.
2011, ‘Idi Amin’, Wikipedia, viewed 25th November of 2011,
2011, ‘Treason’, Wikipedia, viewed 25th November of 2011,