"Suits-Two lawyers, one degree"

"Suits" (2011) is an American comedy-drama series starring Gabriel Macht as Harvey Spector and Patrick J. Adams playing the role of Mike Ross.
When Harvey Spector, a brilliant lawyer, is promoted to senior partner at New York County District Attorney's office, he is forced by his firm to hire an associate. His standards for the candidates are high: intelligence and insight. In an accidental and happy interview, Mike Ross, a magnificent young man, gets the job. There is just one tiny little problem: Mike lacks a law degree.
The series is based on this two guys pretending that he actually graduated and in the resolution of their cases. Always fair, Harvey and Mike will face their problems often coming into conflict with each other due to their different personalities.

sexta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2012

The Oscars for "The Lamest Things To Think That Will Be Huge In The Next Decade"

The task for the previous week was to think in something which will be tremendous in the next decade. So, it was what my colleagues and I did.
However, now, I have another task. I will tell you why their ideas are not good.
The lamest things to think that will be enormous in the next decade are:

1st: The blog Perspectives 19 selected two different things. Two failed things. And here you’ve got a lesson: Quantity is not quality! Choose wisely instead of choosing amount.
Now, to prevent any error by my side, I will let the professionals explain to you the reason why the Ray Gun is not a good idea: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/09/09/altb_test_fail/.
After you admit why the Ray Gun is a bad idea, please tell me how much countries and places will be able to afford the device which allows us to use the Witricity.
Thank you!
2nd: The blog B English Through Music picked the Anonymous.
In times of crisis, the States try to close the doors for crimes  these types of crimes because they represent a further expense to the States. A contemporary example is the recent case of S.O.P.A. and P.I.P.A..
3rd: In the blog Travel Through the World of English the choice was “The Cause”.
Beside The Cause is too vague it depends on this “cure” (?) is achieved or not.
4th: In The English Tunes, Samsung was the choice.
This choice was based in the belief that Samsung will make some kind of contact with schools and therefore it will be able to provide tablets to all the students in the world. Pretty impossible, don´t you think? There are kids in Africa starving. Do you really believe in tablets for everyone in the next decade?! Not even “Magalhães”, my friend!
5th: The blog English Essays Fred chose Apple.
Despite of being a great brand and its capacity to reach everyone and every part of the world (even don´t having a product from Apple, everyone knows “the brand of the little apple”) it is and it will continue to be a privileged people’s brand.
Then, in my opinion, being Apple one of the “Americanization” symbols, its demand will decline just like the consumption of all the American things. The world will be more diverse in the next decade.
6th: China will be huge in 2020. However, do you really think that they will be an example like the Americans are nowadays?
China was the choice of the blog More Blog More Info. The problem of this choice was the fact that China will only be economically huge. A lot of things in their culture are still unthinkable for us. Some easy examples are some stuff they eat and their political system.

7th: The “Maria’s perspective” tell us that Alexander McQueen will be the icon of the next decade.
I think it is pretty obvious that Alexander McQueen will forever be an unavoidable icon of fashion. However, he will never be an icon for the general public.
Alexander McQueen will be forever missed in the world of fashion.
8th: Two different social networks (Facebook and Twitter) were chosen by two different blogs.
My argument is the same for the both blogs: These two websites are already huge. Everything on the internet comes and goes and, especially in the internet, the “goes” part is much less than 10 years.
9th: Angela Markel, a strong lady in a men’s world. She was the choice of the Economics Sphere blog.
The “reign” of this small woman is about to end. She is “pissing off” a lot of people and everyone knows that in politics it is not only the voters who decide.
Then, by 2021 she would being completing her fourth term of office. Germany is no more a dictatorship for having someone in the power for so long. Furthermore, the limitation of terms in office is shrinking.
10th: Mind Spring Roll’s choice was K-pop, a Korean style of music and fashion.
It is annoying and impossible to understand. And I like a lot to understand the meaning of all music’s lyrics.

Annoying, right?!                           
12th: English Essay Kce’s choice was Gagafashion, the fashion of Lady Gaga.
I can see my children crying and screaming:”Please dad, I don´t want to dress like that old crazy woman on the TV!”
She is really crazy and scary!
13th: To conclude, RT Histonomics chose Poker.
OMG! I can’t play poker more than one time for month and do you want to turn it into something huge?! One game of Poker can take hours and it is very expensive. In addiction it is illegal when is played out of the Casinos and other places like it. And it is boring as hell!
Please, mates, think before you write!