The American media and the entertainment industry try to make us to believe that U.S.A. are the most developed country regarding questions of race, religious, gender and so one, in work, in the social life and… In votes!
In the past weekend occurred one of the most important events of the year and of the world. It was The Academy Awards of 2012 - The Oscars!
The first time an Oscar statuette was given was to honor the best films of 1928/1929. It was May 16 of 1929, 84 years ago. A lot of important events happened since that year and now, picking an Academy Awards winner is a serious business.
However, can it be that serious when the last studies tell us there is zero diversity on the general public voters?! Let’s see some stats.
“The Academy’s 5,765 members based on a study conducted by the Los Angeles Times:
- 94% Caucasian
- 77% Male
- 14% is younger than 50.
- 4% represent minority voters, with Hispanics and African-Americans evenly representing their votes at 2 percent each.”
The old white man is dominating the general public’s votes. In my opinion, the credibility of the Academy decreased after this reports.
The lack of diversity in the voters could prejudice some movies (more men´s movies or traditional ones winning), actors (less actors from minorities winning) and directors(less women winning). Being The Oscars such an important event worldwide, I think it is right to assume its influence on the choices of the people when they go to the theatres.
In a newspaper article, Jesse Jackson (an African-American civil rights activist) called the academy "akin to the old packed juries of the segregated South."
As you can see, this lack of diversity may jeopardize some movies and the Hollywood’s most important event credibility. It is important for the Academy to change this situation quickly to avoid further charges.
Glenn Lloppis, 23rd of February of 2012, from Forbes online magazine, The Oscars Prove that Hollywood Must Place Diversity at the Center Stage to Survive Long Term, last view on 3rd of March of 2012,
Editorial: Lack of diversity among Oscar voters doesn't make for thriller in any sense, 21st of February of 2012, Daily News LA online magazine, last view on 3rd of March of 2012,
Academy Award, from Wikipedia®, the free encyclopedia, last view on 3rd of March of 2012,