"Suits" (2011) is an American comedy-drama series starring Gabriel Macht as Harvey Spector and Patrick J. Adams playing the role of Mike Ross. When Harvey Spector, a brilliant lawyer, is promoted to senior partner at New York County District Attorney's office, he is forced by his firm to hire an associate. His standards for the candidates are high: intelligence and insight. In an accidental and happy interview, Mike Ross, a magnificent young man, gets the job. There is just one tiny little problem: Mike lacks a law degree. The series is based on this two guys pretending that he actually graduated and in the resolution of their cases. Always fair, Harvey and Mike will face their problems often coming into conflict with each other due to their different personalities.
If you want to build something or do some sort of assignment you must do a project first and it was what we have been doing this past week.
All the projects have been presented and in my opinion that was one which stood out from the others. I am talking about the “Nuno´s Hugos” project. I was sure since I have seen it that my post would be about their group´s project.
In my opinion it was clearly the best for many reasons. First of all, it seemed to be extremely well planned. I´m sure these guys know exactly what they are going to do in their final project work, and with this we could see that they have a nice structure.
Second, after a lot of some obvious themes such as music and the Hippies and some obvious approaches, like for example the repeated idea of making games; a project work about The Jeffersons and the idea of putting people representing feels like a breath of fresh air.
Then, it was the only projects which was spotless on the sources. Furthermore, they balanced perfectly well their information about the TV series. It was not too deep but it was the necessary to understand a lit bit about The jeffersons and what they will do with it.
I can say that I am anxious to see the result of it! Nice work once again, boys!
There is few to refer about justice in Africa and more specifically in African tribes. However, there is a lot to refer about injustices.
Yoruba people
Yoruba people
Nigerian tribes are the considered as the pagan inhabitants of Nigeria. The tribes of Nigeria are diverse, comprising about three hundred seventy one groups. Among the tribes of Nigeria, only three have achieved the status of ethnicity. The rest are minor ethnic group. The groups are bearers of the Nigerian culture each distinct in their own way. The major ethnic Nigeria tribes are the Hausa Fulani, Yoruba and the Ibo. The minor tribes of Nigeria are deprived of the modern resources. These people are not exposed to the world, the technological advancements actively steering the country's economy. The Hausa Fulani tribe inhabits the northern part of Nigeria, while the Yoruba and the Ibo shelters south western and the south eastern part of the country respectively. To know more about these tribes go to http://www.africaguide.com/culture/tribes/index.htm or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigeria.
Hausa people
In these Nigerian tribes, culture often surpasses the Human Rights and mainly the Women Rights. The main Human Rights problems in these tribes are female genital mutilation; domestic violence; discrimination based on sex, ethnicity and region and religion and the women’s slavery. We can also refer the lack of primary goods and resources such as food, water, health care and education.
Another major problem is based on the fact that those peoples still prefer to rely on witchery, when it came to health issues, rather than on medicine. Also the wars and fights for land caused a lot of deaths in the past (between tribes and during the colonialism).
After the Discoveries, the Europeans used to trade weapons for slaves and spice which have aggravated this problem. A curiosity: The Yoruba originated from a people known as the Oyo who arose and became quite popular by their trading with the Portuguese which gave them a large supply of guns.
It can be difficult to take justice to all the places in the World but with our help we can make great progresses in this and in other domains. You may start by "Like" We Day on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/weday) and sponsors will donate $1 to help children in Africa.
This theme is all about our (people of the west world) Christmas and New Year!
Shouldn’t we stop to think in what it’s wrong in our world when there are families who have more money than some countries? And when the top richest 20% of Americans have 87.7% of the country’s total wealth? Where is justice when there are children starving and other people are buying there one island (like for example Roman Abramovich, who spent 6M dollars in his New Year’s Eve to have Red Hot Chili Peppers playing in his private island)?
As time goes by, people are getting more and more concerning in buying a gift that has no useful or sentimental meaning but only an obligation, a superfluous or an exchange meaning. The distribution of the wealth is getting more and more unfair (worldwide and nationally).
Worldwide, you can see countries where there are a lot of obese people and meaningless goods that everyone have, contrasting with countries which have no vaccination, no food, no potable water and full refugee’s camps like Somalia, for instant; and to add to this there are families like the Waltons (Wal-Mart) and people, like Bill Gates (Microsoft), who according to LeMonde Diplomatique, have more money than countries like Egypt, Pakistan, Romania, Morocco, Slovenia, Uruguay, Costa Rica or Oman.
Nationally, and picking the US example, the 20% of the top richest American people have 87.7% of the country’s total wealth and there are people living in ghettos with no options in life besides criminality. Hearing gunshots all nights, with no parental influence, rounded by guns and drugs and with an only destiny... A life in the streets.
If you like music, you can hear a song that illustrates these problems: I Have a Dream by Common ft. Will I am.
If you can help these people in some way, help because to ‘to change the world you’ve got to start with one step and however small, the first step is the hardest of all’ and because ‘give is to begin to live’!
P.S.: I'm sorry for all the text's colours but I can't solve my problems with this blog's design or with any computer's problems!