"Suits-Two lawyers, one degree"

"Suits" (2011) is an American comedy-drama series starring Gabriel Macht as Harvey Spector and Patrick J. Adams playing the role of Mike Ross.
When Harvey Spector, a brilliant lawyer, is promoted to senior partner at New York County District Attorney's office, he is forced by his firm to hire an associate. His standards for the candidates are high: intelligence and insight. In an accidental and happy interview, Mike Ross, a magnificent young man, gets the job. There is just one tiny little problem: Mike lacks a law degree.
The series is based on this two guys pretending that he actually graduated and in the resolution of their cases. Always fair, Harvey and Mike will face their problems often coming into conflict with each other due to their different personalities.

sábado, 7 de janeiro de 2012

Christmas and New Year's Eve

This theme is all about our (people of the west world) Christmas and New Year!

Shouldn’t we stop to think in what it’s wrong in our world when there are families who have more money than some countries? And when the top richest 20% of Americans have 87.7% of the country’s total wealth? Where is justice when there are children starving and other people are buying there one island (like for example Roman Abramovich, who spent 6M dollars in his New Year’s Eve to have Red Hot Chili Peppers playing in his private island)?
As time goes by, people are getting more and more concerning in buying a gift that has no useful or sentimental meaning but only an obligation, a superfluous or an exchange meaning. The distribution of the wealth is getting more and more unfair (worldwide and nationally).
Worldwide, you can see countries where there are a lot of obese people and meaningless goods that everyone have, contrasting with countries which have no vaccination, no food, no potable water and full refugee’s camps like Somalia, for instant; and to add to this there are families like the Waltons (Wal-Mart) and people, like Bill Gates (Microsoft), who according to Le  Monde Diplomatique, have more money than countries like Egypt, Pakistan, Romania, Morocco, Slovenia, Uruguay, Costa Rica or Oman.

Nationally, and picking the US example, the 20% of the top richest American people have 87.7% of the country’s total wealth and there are people living in ghettos with no options in life besides criminality. Hearing gunshots all nights, with no parental influence, rounded by guns and drugs and with an only destiny... A life in the streets.

If you like music, you can hear a song that illustrates these problems: I Have a Dream by Common ft. Will I am.

If you can help these people in some way, help because to ‘to change the world you’ve got to start with one step and however small, the first step is the hardest of all’ and because ‘give is to begin to live’!

P.S.: I'm sorry for all the text's colours but I can't solve my problems with this blog's design or with any computer's problems!

Wikipedia®, viewed on 8th January 2012, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Abramovich.
Wikipedia®, viewed on 8th January 2012, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth_inequality_in_the_United_States

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