"Suits-Two lawyers, one degree"

"Suits" (2011) is an American comedy-drama series starring Gabriel Macht as Harvey Spector and Patrick J. Adams playing the role of Mike Ross.
When Harvey Spector, a brilliant lawyer, is promoted to senior partner at New York County District Attorney's office, he is forced by his firm to hire an associate. His standards for the candidates are high: intelligence and insight. In an accidental and happy interview, Mike Ross, a magnificent young man, gets the job. There is just one tiny little problem: Mike lacks a law degree.
The series is based on this two guys pretending that he actually graduated and in the resolution of their cases. Always fair, Harvey and Mike will face their problems often coming into conflict with each other due to their different personalities.

sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2011

The old and the new discrimination

The twenties brought us a lot of new things, new ways to think and a lot of new possibilities.

After the end of the First World War (1914-1918), Europe was starting to get rebuild but the money was short. So, a lot of countries in European changed to totalitarians governments. The Nazi’s were getting more and more strong and Lenin took power of Russia.

In United States the alcohol was forbid and appears the first cases of bootlegging of liquor, led by Al Capone. Unfortunately, the Ku Klux Klan was growing and it was being accepted. One a more bright side, the Jazz was a vulgate to this decade and it has so much power that U.S. they often call the 20´s “The Jazz Age”, the technology and science advances were a lot with scientists like Einstein and the Charlie Chaplin movies were letting people with stomach ache from laughing so hard.

Other great thing has started in the United States at this decade: The movements for the women’s rights, also known as Women´s Suffrage. Women's suffrage or woman suffrage is the right of women to vote and to run for office and it was extend to other social fields. It was a fight for the end of sex discrimination.

This is the bridge for my post’s main theme of today. When, mainly, the sex and the race discriminations are disappearing, a new type of discrimination as emerged and it is known as positive discrimination in United Kingdom or affirmative action or reverse discrimination in United States.

This affirmative action began with an executive order signed by John F. Kennedy on March 6, 1961 and its purpose was to achieve equal opportunities. A practical example of this is quotas: for example, some universities give priority to minorities or women. Quotas are now forbid in U.S.A. because it is think to be discrimination and hence unlawful as it is in Sweden. However, a lot of European countries are true believers of quotas and it is in a lot of social life fields, like education, employment and politics.

My point and my case for today´s post is the following: Should be people choose for a job, a college, a political party or so ever by their race, their gender, their religion, their nationality or their sexual orientation? Shouldn’t a person won a place for his or her inner qualities?

In my opinion, the only way for a person to get a place in a college, to get a job, etc, is by work and for those person´s capacities, not for things like gender or race.  The purpose of affirmative discrimination it is great but it cannot be taken to extremes. I think that like in Sweden and in U.S.A., quotas should not be legal.

If you want to discuss more about this question leave your message on the comments and I will try to answer the soon as I can.


·         http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_discrimination

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